Straight components
Thanks to the high architectural requirements in construction and the trend towards ecological building, glued-laminated timber has experienced a tremendous upturn over the last few years. Everywhere that high shape retention and dimensional accuracy is required in combination with cost efficiency and an elegant finish, glued-laminated timber is a far better choice than solid timber. Because of the rigid connection between the individual planks of timber, it is possible to produce components that possess much better technical properties than solid timber. Expansive surfaces and challenging structural requirements are easy to overcome when using glued-laminated timber to create special components.
GLT special components
For greater architecture in the construction trade. Glued-laminated timber is made from dried timber and is structured in several layers. This design opens up essential areas of use in construction to the material of timber. For instance, in "airy" roof constructions for both commercial properties and residential buildings. In these applications, GLT is not only an aesthetic construction material, but above all, it offers technical benefits. Especially in the case of fire, timber comes up trumps compared with many other construction materials with a long carrying capacity.
Wall and ceiling elements
Properties and potential applications Build the intelligent and light way: Wall and ceiling elements from Johann Pabst Holzindustrie are lighter than concrete elements and are thus synonymous with modern timber construction. The benefits: they can be laid quickly, fit perfectly, are dimensionally stable and are made using the dry construction process that means the new occupants can move in immediately. The elements are delivered ready to assemble and are easy to handle thanks to their low tare weight. GLT ceiling elements are dry and can be subjected to loading immediately after laying.
Round to oval: Round pillars
Delivery state of round pillars - Planed, chamfered and patched. - On request, any programming capacity is possible at three highly modern processing centres (see CNC programming chapter). Geometry In principle, any kind of oval carriers and round supports is possible. Conical round pillars can be produced on request.